we do 2 things:

(1) technology scale-up: we execute market driven pilot projects based on high TRL IP. We focus on the last mile to bring the technology to market

(2) technology transfer: we match the needs of our industrial Partners with Intellectual Property held by federated IP stakeholders. We catalyze technology transfer

onboarded Projects are collaboratively developed by researchers and representatives from the private sector, at our labs and at the labs of the federated IP stakeholders

these Projects aims at reaching the status of working prototypes, boasting high Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs). They are sparked by industrial Partners’ needs so when the idea proves to work there is someone able to craft a real B2B application out of it. As an alternative, there is potential to shape it into a startup that lays on solid IP foundations (not on Power Points slides)

the Future Farming Initiative's playground is where Intellectual Property converges with people able of recognizing its potential and channel it directly to market

I’m an IP stakeholder

you gain access to a dynamic ecosystem where groundbreaking research converges with practical industry insights

we act as a bridge to the end users: we boost the scale-up of your Project and provide a platform for cross-disciplinary innovation to harness the synergy of diverse talents

you will be able to officially submit your Project proposal through the onboarding process from the second quarter of 2024 (but you can write to us now if you are in a hurry). Should your Project be selected, there will be two options:

(1) your Project matches an industrial Partner’s need: let’s build the prototype at the Future Farming labs or connect you directly with the industrial Partner

(2) our venture building Partners see a potential: let’s build the prototype. If it works, it grows into a startup laying on solid technical foundations (not on Power Point)

I’m an industrial Partner

we need you! you have a clear understanding of your target market and a perceptive grasp of the challenges you must overcome to cement your leadership

your contribution is pivotal in guiding us to see the market angle to tackle and tailor a bespoke project proposal

official affiliation with the Future Farming Initiative will start from the second quarter of 2024. If you are eager to speak with us sooner, write to us here

should we identify a Project that aligns with your needs and that shows enough technical background to pass our scientific and merit screening, you will have two options:

(1) collaboratively develop the Project with us, with a team comprising your personnel, research personnel, and Future Farming staff within our research laboratories and affiliated research institutions

(2) directly internalize the Project into your research team with our external support

we are pragmatic IP freaks

whenever there are solid technical foundations, we quickly bridge the gap between conceptual ideas and practical commercial applications. Similar to the intricate fractal patterns observed in nature, we leverage and scale-out technologies to transition from laboratory trials to commercial scale. This unified, streamlined approach becomes a fast track, drastically minimizing the time required to turn innovations into real things

we love building things,
and you should join us